Accurate matching
Accurate matching

Accurate ad matching based on user profile through big data and BI Match mass quality automatically to maximize their monetary benefits

Quality advertisers resources
  • A pool of quality partners and all platforms have been carefully selected and categorized
  • Mass offer scales up your ad fill rate and eCPM
  • Abundant quality orders placed directly from customers who are closer to advertisers
  • The offer covers all sectors
Quality advertisers resources
Leading technologies
Leading technologies
  • One-stop API: Automatic offer push algorithm based on deep learning
  • Easy connection: Accurate matching with suitable ad resources save time and cost for you in an easy way
  • High compatibility: 100% compatibility with all API systems available in the market
  • Stable architect: Address various high concurrency with powerful data processing capability to address surging data requests flexibly
  • Openness and independence: Support filters based on defined parameters to get the offer you want
7X24 professional services

7X24 one-on-one VIP service bridges the gap of time zone, supports English communication and enables senior account managers to address customers’ demand on a timely basis, and offers truly one-stop channel operation.

7X24 professional services

With BI, customers can match mass quality offers automatically to maximize their monetary benefits

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