Redefine performance advertising

Use big data to analyze, match quality channel traffic based on demand, and monitor and adjust placement strategies on a real-time basis

Optimization strategies
​User behavior-based monitoring system
Define strategies to optimize traffic automatically
Accurate and targeted
Accurate and directional labels in multi-dimensional channels
Smart modeling over abstract historical data
Data analysis
Multi-dimensional data analysis statement
Visualize key behavioral indicator analysis
Creative material
Material updating crawler
Programed material creative production
Global traffic coverage
Global traffic coverage

Traffic covers more than 200 countries and regions across the globe with service offered to over 5,000 advertisers, access up to 1 billion smart devices, and over 10 billion daily displays.

Global traffic coverage
Accurate placement
Accurate placement

User behavior is analyzed and labeled based on big data. User labels under the smart category amount to more than 2,000. At the same time, it can tap into potential target users based on the characteristics of similar user profiles, and push accurate advertisements based on the restructuring of multi-dimensional information, which can improve your ROI on a full scale.

Efficient optimization
Efficient optimization

It is China's first standardized platform for overseas marketing which features performance-based automatic placement. It can process billions of pieces of data on daily basis, support various data source, analyzes results based on intelligent analysis, and adjust placement strategy timely. It is also featuring real-time anti-fraud monitoring to maximize ad marketing performance.

Efficient optimization
Smart statements
Smart statements

We provide and tailor multi-dimensional data analysis statements based on advertisers’ demand over user behavior, and render professional suggestions and solutions for any issue identified.

Intelligent alerts
Intelligent alerts

Anti-fraud strategy can be customized based on periodic statistics analysis over the mass historical database. With the help of manual identification of abnormal performance, intelligent alerts also commission an automatic monitoring system to capture data on a real-time basis and carry out the full-range intelligent analysis. In case of any fraud identified, the system can be adjusted timely to impose stricter control over abnormal data.

Intelligent alerts