Cross-border e-commerce 360° integration
Cross-border e-commerce 360° integration

We offer a variety of sales and inventory management services for stores, including commodity management, order processing, stock management, logistics management and full-dimensional data statistics and analysis, and other management services.

Commodity management

Tec-Retail Service supports import commodities from Amazon, Shopify, and other platforms with only one click to help customers to start their business on a new site. Commodities can be categorized and recommended based on self-defined categories. It supports batched editing over commodities, manages customer review and comment settings.

Commodity management
Order management
Order management

Tec-Retail Service is an order management system that enables customers to manage their orders across stores, configure order rules to process orders by batch, and identify the void and malicious placement of orders. As a result, customers can complete their orders efficiently and accurately.

Stock management

Stock alert management can define stock cycles, set sales and abnormal stock alerts, and replenish stock, with which customers can avoid stockpiling or stock shortage. It supports stock editing by batch, configures automatic cancellation of overtime orders to release commodities in stock.

Stock management
Operating data statistics and analysis in all dimensions
Operating data statistics and analysis in all dimensions

It provides detailed and multidimensional data statement analysis and a concise but global data dashboard. Customers can master the latest update of commodities, orders, users, and other data to make their adjustments over operation accordingly.

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